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Contact UsMulti campuses support, branch wise students management
Complete students record keeping, kinship management & integrated with inquiry and entry test module.
Monthly, Annual funds & Misc. fees management with advances & scholarship feature.
Daily attendance marking with SMS alerts.
Flexible examination defining & marking management with narrative results cards & SMS notifications.
Daily expense feeding & misc. income feeding integrated with daily cash handover reports.
24/7 access to online admin portal. Tablets & mobile friendly interface to use on the go anywhere.
Send automated & on demand SMS to parents with your on school brand name.
Online portal for parents & students to view and analyze daily progress.
School Management System
Every school needs a strategy for managing information of students, generating fee cards, collections, marking attendance, generating mark sheets for exams and sharing information to parents. School management also need right information for concerned departments and in timely fashion.Decision making process is fast…!
Manual systems are less prone to technical difficulties, but they cannot process information as efficiently as smoothly functioning computer systems.
College Management System
Every college needs a strategy for managing information of students. Admission module manages student’s personal biodata with customized fee package and installment plans. Fee module manages printing of fee vouchers, collection of fee (full / partial) under different heads and installments, defaulter management make easy. Attendance module manages daily / lecture wise attendance of students as well as professor’s. Examination module enables operator to manage annual / semester system obtained marks under different heads, printing of result cards is as easy as pressing simple keys.
Session wise defining for each program under different universities, courses details, credit hours management & marks criteria.
Session & program wise fee structure defining, management of fee heads like university fee, security & semester wise tuition fee & others.
Complete information filling for student admission, personal bio data, admitted program, previous qualifications & summarized reports.
Daily attendance marking with SMS alerts.
Keep track of different events of students, struck-off, college left, freeze / un-freeze, parent-teacher meeting, late coming etc.
Single click fee voucher printing, installment collection, full / partial fee option, defaulter summary, integrated SMS for fee collection & defaulter.
Daily / lecture based student attendance, late comer SMS, bio-metric attendance option, absentees SMS, monthly attendance summarize reporting.
Annual / semester system exam defining, easy and quick marks data feeding, auto generated exam reports, result card printing and graphical presentation.
Professor defining with complete bio-data, qualification history, permanent / visiting faculty management, honoraria rate and calculation.
Send automated & personalized branded SMS to parents for up-to-date report of students, fee SMS, attendance SMS, late comer SMS, exam SMS & general SMS.
4 level chart of accounts, standardized voucher system, complete financial reporting, integrated with inventory management system.
Single click year closing transaction voucher posting, easy to manage financial at year end.
Inquiry form, timetable management, year-end promotion, other / misc. fee, bulk fee installment via single click & date sheet.
Web-based version, easy to access via Internet anywhere, principal / parent android application, web-portal for student information.
Units Defining with different features like plot, shop, apartment, block, width, length, sq. ft., marla, khasra, location etc.
Option to create units in bulk having same classifications.
Customer defining option with complete personal traits and nominee information.
Unit sale contract defining with down payment and customized installment plans.
Ability to manage broker’s commission with accounts handling.
Single click installment recovery, integrated with accounts management.
Easy transfer record keeping with option to allocate different development charges based on unit size.
Easy and auto integrated accounts module for installments and expenses management.
Single click availability of financial reports with accuracy.
Real Estate Management System
Housing Society Software is best solution to manage all necessary accounting transactions made by any society / estate developer for record keeping. This software allows to define multiple projects, unlimited units (plots, residential, commercial, shops, floors etc.) with different traits like location, width, length with different measures (Yards, Marla, Sq. Feet etc.).Management can define different sale packages according to different categories of units. Biometric verification for customer registration. Sale contract can be made for different units to different customers at pre-defined package.
Poultry Management System
Poultry Farm Management is best solution to manage all necessary accounting and farm management transaction that are made on day to day basis. This software allows to define unlimited farms location with different houses in each farm and separate flock defining for each house. Operator can define different items (stackable / direct consumable) to enter purchase vouchers from different vendors like chicks, feed, medicine, toh, diesel etc. These items can be purchase and directly consume to any specific flock or have an option to store them first then issue to specific flock for cost calculation.
Complete details of flock defining, House wise flock management, start and completion date of flock.
Complete details of flock defining, House wise flock management, start and completion date of flock.
Flock wise mortality and growth tracking with single click reporting.
Buying & selling of Feed, Chicks, Chicken, Medicine, Broiler, Maize, Wheat & Rice etc. with commission / less handling.
Purchase and stock keeping of items, stock issuance and flock wise cost management.
4 level chart of accounts, standardized voucher system, complete financial reporting, with inventory & poultry modules
Single click year closing transaction voucher posting, easy to manage financial at year end.
Online / web-based version, easy to access anywhere any time, secure and reliable solution
Pre-Defined and customized menu defining. Option to repeat any previously booked event menu.
Manage different halls, tentative / confirmed booking, customer’s details, menu selection, different pricing methodology & reservation sheets.
Event wise advance management, cash and credit sales, sales / withholding tax mgt., auto advance adjustment, discounts option, credit recovery.
All in one report, detailed and summarized event wise record, all day to day accounting transaction summary.
Purchase order, goods receive note G.R.N, Single click conversion to purchase, taxes / discounts / freight adjustment, integrated to accounts.
Day to day stock issuance / consumption with kitchen, daily / weekly / annually kitchen item and cost consumption reports
Leftover, pinger, misc. sale, adjustment and integrated with accounts.
4 level chart of accounts, standardized voucher system, complete financial reporting, with banquet management system.
G.S.T enabled purchase and sales record keeping, with-holding management, purchase and sale register printing, stock register.
Single click year closing transaction voucher posting, easy to manage financial at year end.
Desktop-based & Web-based versions, easy to access via LAN / Internet, secure and reliable solution.
Banquet Hall Management System
Integrated Banquet Management System with standardized Accountancy is a more convenient way for managing all your business record keeping needs. Banquet bookings, advances and billing enable owners in forecasting seasonal requirements of resources, managing halls, and maintain accounts automatically. Pre-defined and customized menu available for banquet booking. Complete record keeping of banquet booking / reservation with hall management and occupancy reports.
Restaurant Management System
Integrated Restaurant Management System with standardized Accountancy is a more convenient way for managing all your business record keeping needs. Table wise kitchen order taking and auto printing of KOT in kitchen and bar, helps chef in managing kitchen cooking and raw material requirements. Auto combining of all running KOT in billing at single click helps accountants to record sales in quick and efficient way. Inventory module helps store keeper to manage raw materials in different warehouses, issuance of day to day stock for cooking, auto stock management.
Define unlimited items under different categories (raw materials / finished items), multiple unit of measure option.
Table wise kitchen order taking, auto printing of kitchen / bar slips, customer cell# option, auto greeting SMS on first KOT.
Single click billing, auto combining of all KOT against any table, auto adjustment of G.S.T and services charges, cash / credit / credit card option.
All in one report, detailed and summarized sale record, all day to day accounting transaction summary.
Purchase order, goods receive note G.R.N, Single click conversion to purchase, taxes / discounts / freight adjustment, integrated to accounts.
Day to day stock issuance / consumption with kitchen, daily / weekly / annually kitchen item and cost consumption reports.
Leftover, pinger, misc. sale, adjustment and integrated with accounts.
4 level chart of accounts, standardized voucher system, complete financial reporting, integrated with restaurant management system.
G.S.T enabled purchase and sales record keeping, with-holding management, purchase and sale register printing, stock register.
Single click year closing transaction voucher posting, easy to manage financial at year end.
Desktop-based & Web-based versions, easy to access via LAN / Internet, secure and reliable solution.
Define unlimited items under different categories (raw materials / finished items), multiple unit of measure option.
Purchase order / Sale order management with G.R.N (Goods Receive Note) and O.G.P (Outward Gate-pass) for stock and order management.
Single click G.R.N conversion to purchase voucher, integrated with financial accounts, G.S.T and discount management.
Single click O.G.P conversion to sale voucher, integrated with financial accounts, G.S.T and discount management.
Multiple ware-house management, shelf / rack management, expiry control, stock transfer from one ware-house to other.
Item default barcode mapping, system default barcode generation. Barcode wise purchase / sale management.
Manual / automated minimum and maximum level of stock keeping. Auto generated re-order sheet with category / company filters.
4 level chart of accounts, standardized voucher system, complete financial reporting, with inventory management system.
G.S.T enabled purchase and sales record keeping, with-holding management, purchase and sale register printing, stock register.
Single click year closing transaction voucher posting, easy to manage financial at year end.
Desktop-based & Web-based versions, easy to access via LAN / Internet, secure and reliable solution.
Trading & P.O.S
Integrated Trading Management System with standardized Accountancy is a more convenient way for managing all your business record keeping needs. Unlimited items defining under different categories having multiple unit of measures enable store manager to manage stock with different categories. Purchase order for vendor and goods receive note manage order tracking, option to combine multiple G.R.N in one purchase voucher with single click. Sale order for customer and outward gate-pass helps manage stock up to date, option to combine multiple O.G.P in one sale voucher with single click.
Processing Management System
Integrated Processing Management System with standardized Accountancy is a more convenient way for managing all your business record keeping needs. Unlimited items defining under different categories having multiple unit of measures enable store-keeper to manage stock with different categories of fabrics. Purchase order for vendor and goods receive note manage order tracking, option to combine multiple G.R.N in one purchase voucher with single click. Dyeing house stock management with shrinkage management, printing and embroidery stock management is much easy to manage now.
Define unlimited items under different categories (raw materials / finished items), multiple unit of measure option.
Purchase order / Sale order management with G.R.N and O.G.P for stock and order management.
Single click G.R.N conversion to purchase voucher, integrated with financial accounts, G.S.T and discount management.
Dyeing issuance and receiving, shrinkage, printing stock issuance and receiving, raw material conversion to finished stock.
Auto enabled billing for dyeing, printing, embroidery and other service providers, pending bills management.
Single click O.G.P conversion to sale voucher, integrated with financial accounts, G.S.T and discount management.
Due option for sold invoices, aging control, invoice wise recovery, cash / bank receiving option.
Multiple ware-house management, shelf / rack management, stock transfer from one ware-house to other.
4 level chart of accounts, standardized voucher system, complete financial reporting, integrated with inventory management system.
G.S.T enabled purchase and sales record keeping, with-holding management, purchase and sale register printing, stock register.
Single click year closing transaction voucher posting, easy to manage financial at year end.
Desktop-based & Web-based versions, easy to access via LAN / Internet, secure and reliable solution.
Define unlimited items under different categories / sub-categories, item picture, multiple unit of measures option.
Purchase order management with G.R.N (Goods Receive Note) for stock and purchase order management.
Single click G.R.N conversion to purchase voucher, with financial accounts, G.S.T & discount management.
Multiple ware-house management, shelf / rack management, expiry control, stock transfer from one ware-house to other.
Routes defining and order booker assigning, order booker wise sales booking, van/delivery-man wise delivery management.
Multiple schemes defining with quantity and duration control, party nature wise discount slabs, extra discount option.
Easy to make sale booking, integrated with financial accounts, G.S.T, discount / extra discount, scheme management.
4 level chart of accounts, standardized voucher system, complete financial reporting with inventory management system.
G.S.T enabled purchase and sales record keeping, with-holding management, purchase and sale register printing, stock register.
Desktop-based version, easy to access via LAN, multi user handling, secure and reliable solution.